Works & Methodology


The following overview lists all works elaborated by this ministry in the years from 2012 until 2024. All works are being constantly updated and perfected. You will find here also the very important definition of Pre-Denominational / Early Christianity, the Methodology of this ministry and some legal notices.

Bible Studies (50)

  1. Calendar  ·  The Christian Calendar (2023-24)
  2. Map  ·  Interactive Bible Map (2021-24)
  3. Map  ·  Madaba Map, Translation (2024)
  4. Map  ·  Relief Map (2024)

  1. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Presentation (2020-24)
  2. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Presentation (Spanish) (2012-24)
  3. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Greek Old Testament (Septuagint) (2021-24)
  4. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Canon (2022-24)
  5. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Apocrypha (2024)
  6. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Non-canonical Writings (2021-23)
  7. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Non-canonical  ·  Enoch Refuted (2021)
  8. Studies  ·  Bible  ·  Non-canonical  ·  Jubilees Refuted (2021)
  9. Studies  ·  CHRIST's Death & Resurrection  ·  Study (2021-24)
  10. Studies  ·  CHRIST's Death & Resurrection  ·  The Year (2022, unpublished)
  11. Studies  ·  Church History (2021-24)
  12. Studies  ·  Church Structure (2024)
  13. Studies  ·  Creation  ·  Study (2021-24)
  14. Studies  ·  Creation  ·  Chart (2022-24) 
  15. Studies  ·  Creation  ·  Historical Adams (2022)
  16. Studies  ·  Eden (2021-24)
  17. Studies  ·  End Times  ·  Study (2021-24)
  18. Studies  ·  End Times  ·  Book of Daniel (2022-23)
  19. Studies  ·  Flood of Noah  ·  Study (2021-24)
  20. Studies  ·  Flood of Noah  ·  Chronology (2021-22)
  21. Studies  ·  Genealogies  ·  Study (2021-24)
  22. Studies  ·  Genealogies  ·  Chart (2021-24)
  23. Studies  ·  Laws of THEOS  ·  Study (2019-24)
  24. Studies  ·  Laws of THEOS  ·  Comparison (2021-24)
  25. Studies  ·  Numbers (2022-24)
  26. Studies  ·  One Anothering (2021-23)
  27. Studies  ·  Promises (2020)
  28. Studies  ·  Prophecies (2021)
  29. Studies  ·  Sabbaths  ·  Study (2021-24)
  30. Studies  ·  Sabbaths  ·  Verse-by-Verse (2021-24)
  31. Studies  ·  Salvation  ·  Study (2021-23)
  32. Studies  ·  Salvation  ·  Chart (2021-23)
  33. Studies  ·  Salvation  ·  Once Saved Always Saved? (2022-24)
  34. Studies  ·  Spiritual Gifts  ·  Study (2020-24)
  35. Studies  ·  Spiritual Gifts  ·  Continuationism vs. Cessationism (2022-23)
  36. Studies  ·  Symbolism (2021)
  37. Studies  ·  The Angel of The Lord (2023-24)
  38. Studies  ·  Theophanies (2021)
  39. Studies  ·  THEOS Communicates (2021-23)
  40. Studies  ·  Timeline  ·  Study (2020-24)
  41. Studies  ·  Timeline  ·  Chart (2021-24)
  42. Studies  ·  The Beginning, Ages, Generations & Last Days (2024)
  43. Studies  ·  Trinity  ·  Study (2020-24)
  44. Studies  ·  Trinity  ·  Divine & Human Beings (2022-23)
  45. Studies  ·  Trinity  ·  Chart of 'theos' (gods) references (2023)
  46. Studies  ·  Virtues & Vices (2020-23)

Topics & Words (24)

  1. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Abortion (2021-24)
  2. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Age Groups (2022-24)
  3. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Alcohol (2021)
  4. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Baptism (2021-24)
  5. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Clothing (2021-23)
  6. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Communion (2021-23)
  7. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Fasting (2021-23)
  8. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Food (2021-22-23)
  9. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Giving vs. Tithing (2021-23)
  10. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Hair & Head Covering (2022-23)
  11. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Homosexuality (2021-23)
  12. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Marriage & Divorce (2021-24)
  13. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Predestination & Free Will (2021-23)
  14. Studies  ·  Topics  ·  Sexual Discipline(s) (2022-24)
  15. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Anger (2021-23)
  16. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Discipline (2021-23)
  17. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Faith (2021-23)
  18. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Gospel (2022-23)
  19. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Heavens (2022-23)
  20. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Kingdom of THEOS / Heaven (2021-23)
  21. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Love (2021-23)
  22. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Religion (2021-23)
  23. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Tongue (2021-23)
  24. Studies  ·  Words  ·  Works of Faith vs. Law (2021-23)

Consolidated Project

  1. Bible Typesetting  ·  Greek Uncials of the Old and New Testament (2023-24)
  2. Bible Translation  ·  English / German / Spanish Translation (2023-24)
  3. Greek Grammar  ·  Conjugations Of Verbs (2023-24)
  4. Greek Grammar  ·  Conjugations of Participles (2023-24)
  5. Greek Grammar  ·  Articles & Pronouns (2023-24)

Recommendations (12)

  1. Books  ·  Christian Books (2020-24)
  2. Books  ·  Reviews (2020-24)
  3. Movies  ·  Christian Movies (2019-24)
  4. Movies  ·  Reviews (2023-24)
  5. Movies  ·  Free Movies (2022-24)
  6. Music  ·  Christian Music (2019-24)
  7. Music  ·  Hymns (2020)
  8. Music  ·  Instrumentals (2020)
  9. Music  ·  Lyric Videos (Animated) (2019-24)
  10. Music  ·  Lyrics Videos (Live Videos) (2019-24)
  11. Music  ·  Song Stories (2019-24)
  12. Music  ·  Videos (2019-24)

Discernment (7)

  1. Studies  ·  False Teachers  ·  Identification (2021-23)
  2. Studies  ·  False Teachers  ·  Types (2021-24)

  1. Discernment  ·  Problematic Teachers  ·  The List (2021-24)
  2. Discernment  ·  Bible-based Translations  ·  Comparison (2024)
  3. Discernment  ·  Books & Authors (2022-24)
  4. Discernment  ·  Movies & Actors (2022-24)
  5. Discernment  ·  Music (2022-24)

* Stats from 09/2022 until 08/2024 (not including previous views).

** The total includes the Discernment-List with 22196 views.

Pre-Denominational Christianity

What is biblical Christianity? 

  1. A pre-denominational Christian is a Christian / disciple of Christ who seeks to base all of his beliefs and discipline upon the Old and New Testament itself, and not on councils, creeds, confessions, extrabiblical rituals and / or ceremonies
  2. We should not give credit to 'councils' (G4824, ϹΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΝ, sumboulion = counsel or maybe council; not to be confused with ekklesia which stands for an ordinary assembly). The Bible uses this word without exception in a negative way (related to Pharisees in Mat 12:14, Mat 22:15, Mar 3:6; related to chief priests and elders in Mat 27:1, 7, Mat 28:12, Mar 15:1; related to the Romans in Act 25:12). Today we commit the fundamental mistake to consider 'councils' as to feature special credibility, but we do not even find in Acts 15 (which is commonly used as justification for extrabiblical councils), the definition of a 'council', but specifically of an assembly.
  3. A pre-dominational Christian is neither Catholic nor Protestant and rejects any Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox, Protestant and all other traditions that are (partly) inconsistent with or contrary to the New Testament, no matter how deeply-entrenched these man-made traditions / religions may have become. His overriding goal is to be true to CHRIST and true to the Old and especially New Testament.

In regards of the timeline, this means to go back to the time of the Apostles, to go ...

  1. before 354-430 AD, when Augustine canonized half of the Apocrypha, became doctor of the Roman Catholic Church while providing most of its initial doctrines, and was the de-facto patriarch of Calvinism who much later inspired a 26-year-old Calvin to write down a new denomination,
  2. before 366 AD, when the Apostolic See of Rome had its first Pope Damasus who buried through his helper and secretary Jerome the Greek Old Testament which had been predominantly used prior for 5-6 centuries, Damasus who legalized half of the Apocrypha and introduced the Latin Mass,
  3. before 313 AD, when Constantine propelled the Roman Catholic (State) Church into power after he had 3 visions of the gods Apo**o, Vict**a and lastly of a 'Christ', and when he effectively abolished the Weekly Sabbath,
  4. before 185-253 AD, Origen (Universalist; taught Purgatory; taught pre-existence of souls, strong proponent and 'forerunner' for bringing the Apocrypha into our Bibles; he excluded James / 2 Peter / 2&3 John from his canon; 'pioneer' of the monastic practice of Lectio Divina; he speculated that heavenly bodies are living creatures; Ransom-Theorist; first hints of Catholic Mariology occurred precisely his writings; Pope Dionysius of Alexandria became one of the foremost proponents of Origen's theology),
  5. before the 2nd c. AD right to the 1st c. AD, the Apostolic Fathers, which are often erroneously taken for credibility, namely the letters from Ignatius (His letters are most probably a post-mortem impersonation; the writer(s) -coined- the term 'Catholic church'; creation of the Pope's office (Bishop + overseers + deacons); deeply ingrained antisemitism which led him to propose to abolish the Weekly Sabbath; he converted martyrdom into a spiritual achievement; any sexual union ought to be sanctioned by a bishop), namely the letters from Clement of Rome (Spiritualizing; extrabiblical salvation; endorsement of a continuation of sacrifices; introduction of liturgies; endorsement of capital punishment; endorsement of Deuterocanonicals; frequent language of 'the elect'; bishops (not as separate office), but rule of succession (institutional office)), and namely the letters from Barnabas (Deeply ingrained antisemitism; false prophecy about a Third Temple in the second century AD; false prophecy about Messianic age, not fulfilled in 500 AD; he proposed the Weekly Sabbath + Lord's Day in addition = 5+2 rest days; spiritualizing; abuse of numerologies; questionable use of typology)),
  6. effectively back to the time of the Apostles (while the writing of the New Testament had possibly been much closer to the actual events than ecumenical scholars want to make us believe - scholars most often estimate writing times based on dependencies between the books which is a rather vague and not reliable model; the further away the writing dates are stretched from the actual events the more heresies e.g. from the Apostolic Fathers can be legitimized ...).

In regards of the Bible, this means to go back to the time of the Apostles, to go ...

  1. before 1008 AD, when the Masoretic text was written (with the great accuracy that is spoken of today) while either knowingly or unknowingly using the manipulated Proto-Masoretic text and adding the vowels we know from the Modern Hebrew,
  2. before 405 AD, when Pope Damasus and his secretary Jerome picked up the Proto-Masoretic text for their Latin translation, while breaking with the strong tradition to use the Greek Old Testament for translations into any language. The Greek Old Testament had until then been the standard Bible for at least 5-6 centuries from the 2nd. c. BC until 4th, probably at least until the beginning of the 5th century AD, until the Roman Catholic Bible gained traction after 405 AD and pushed the Greek mega-codices aside.
  3. before 120-150 AD, when the Proto-Masoretic text was written by Rabbi Akiva & Aquila who manipulated the text in <1% of its content (1. Falsification of 64% of the begetting ages in the Gen 5 & 11 genealogies (~4000 instead of 5500 BC); 2.Distortion of many prophecies pointing to CHRIST; 3. Deletion of the patriarch of the Samaritans, Cainan, based on their hate of the Samaritans; 4. Concealment of Cain's sin (which reflected also the sin of the Rabbis -sacrilege and greediness- as called out by Jesus in Luk 11:39). Gen 4:7 in the Greek OT reads: 'Hast thou not sinned if thou hast brought it rightly, but not rightly divided it?'. The manipulated text reads: 'If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door'). [see also the study 'Septuagint' for more details on all the previous points],
  4. effectively back to the time of the Apostles. The Greek Old Testament is / was the Bible of JESUS CHRIST and His Apostles, of the Early Christians and of the Greek-Speaking Jews. CHRIST and the NT writers not only read, but predominantly quoted from the Greek OT. The GOT was also the standard issue Bible in synagogues where Greek was spoken. It was the Scripture for both Christians and Jews for several centuries, long before and after the time of JESUS CHRIST.
  5. after 285-140 BC, when the Greek Old Testament was translated.
  6. We frequently hear from scholars the claim that the Greek Old Testamentwas the first major translation into another language. This is a highly misleading claim, because we have two centuries earlier already Ezra's translation (459-445 BC, from Paleo-Hebrew into Aramaic-Hebrew) and we have eight centuries earlier Samuel's text (1050 BC, from Hieroglyphic Hebrew into Paleo-Hebrew).

What is not biblical Christianity? 

... each one of you says: 

"I, indeed, am of Paul" -

 "and I of Apollos" - [replace it with Augustine]

"and I of Cephas" - [replace it with Calvin or Luther]

"and I of Christ".

Has CHRIST been divided? 

Was Paul crucified for you? 

Or were you baptized into 

the name of Paul?

1Cor 1:12-13

Source: Google search 'Definition Denomination'
Source: Google search 'Definition Denomination'

"Strikingly, as we read the New Testament, we encounter only one church. While there were numerous congregations around the world (Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth, Rome, etc.), they all professed to belong to the same body of believers. Denominational organizations are conspicuously absent from the New Testament [and JESUS explicitly condemned the Pharisees which could be seen as a denomination from the OT times].

So let's pretend for a moment that denominations don't exist. Divorce them entirely from your mind. Now, having done that, let your mind come to this realization: You can be neither Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, nor a "Witness," and yet still be a Christian.

If Christians in the New Testament like Paul, Peter, James, John, Aquila, Priscilla, Phoebe, etc. could become disciples of Christ without belonging to any of these sectarian bodies, can't we do the same?

To put it another way, if denominational membership is necessary to be right with God, then were pre-denominational Christians like Paul, Peter, and James not able to be right with God? And if they could be right with God without denominationalism, why can't we?

Indeed, millions of people in this nation — and in nations around the world — have become Christians only, belonging exclusively to the church built by our Lord (Mt. 16.18), and are neither Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, nor Witnesses."


1. The author of this ministry is not part of any denomination, which provides an added value to this ministry - not only resulting in independent Bible studies but especially allowing unbiased discernment. He has regularly attended or held membership in independent, Baptist, Evangelical Free, Mennonite, Pentecostal and even Reformed churches in Germany, Colombia and Canada. The overall result is a traditionally minded Christian who is pro-church but not associated with any particular denomination. He is grateful for this diversity of training and experience that helped him to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of various (not-so) Christian traditions.

2. Do not be afraid of colours. While black & white is still the (moderately attractive) norm today, not even the biblical scrolls had been black & white. The background used by this ministry symbolizes the royal colour and the comfortably readable white letters symbolize purity, enriched by gold to underline important aspects and by red & green to further highlight and / or contrast aspects between good & evil or between Old & New Covenant. The author intentionally prioritizes a quick optical surveying over a common limitation to not use more than 2 colours in professional documents.

3. While Jews are traditionally overzealous in not even pronouncing the name of THEOS (or rather G-d which is not His name), we have even lost the basic respect by writing 'He', 'His' and 'Him' in lower case. This is comfortable for translators as it avoids many decisions e.g. in the book of Revelation - if it is now 'he' (anyone) or 'He' (JESUS CHRIST) who stomps the winepress. All articles of this ministry are now reflected with capital letters, in order to avoid a decrease in perceived holiness. Every Bible translator should urgently do the same and not shy away from some difficult calls. Other capitalizations are seen through the words 'Gospel', 'Heaven', 'Kingdom', 'Scripture' and a few other important concepts of the Bible such as His 'Second Coming'.

4. 99% of ministers do not only use black & white, but also the 'Word' style. Now 'Excel' was and is essential for this ministry and I would warmly recommend it to any other minister of CHRIST. Firstly, it is much more readable, because it avoids long lines, breaks those into easier readable blocks and simply refreshes the mind of the reader. Secondly, it is the key for best organizing complex biblical structures / combinations of Bible verses.

5. If the author would have used 'Word' for Bible studies, those studies would probably be more rudimentary in its theological content and would require easily 50 - 150 % more descriptive words. The 'Excel' style helps enormously to keep things short, while the 'Word' style often stretches the patience of the reader, especially in times of Youtube or Netflix, where a believer rather watches a 3-hour movie than reading through lengthy articles. I can also not avoid this dilemma entirely, but offer a bridge between the Youtube generation and the lengthy 'Word' articles, while compacting the information, providing as many Bible verses as possible and organizing them with only a few own words / interpretations / conclusions.

6. You will not find the usual combination of 95 - 99% of scholarly interpretation, decorated with 1 - 5 % of Bible verses. We have become way too intellectual and assume in unwritten rules that a churchgoer is bored if we use more than 5 Bible verses in a sermon or an article. But this is surely not the methodology of the First Century Christians nor of CHRIST and His Apostles. We have to go back to the roots and let Scripture speak more than our own intellect and eloquence. We commonly love to hear us speak, but real love is to hear THEOS speak.

7. All Bible verses are hyperlinked and readable in context. For reasons of space and streamlined readability, parts of Bible verses not relevant for the respective subject are often shortened by '[...]', or by '...' at the beginning or end of Bible verses. All verses are written in italic words, while comments of this author are inserted by '[comment]' in standard letters.

8. Bible translations used for this ministry: the unsurpassed and relatively unknown Apostolic Bible Polyglot (ABR:Septuagint - for own research), the Brenton Septuagint Translation (without the Apocrypha!), the very nuanced J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible (EBR: Masoretic - for own research), and for published studies and easier readability a variety of translations (BSB, ESV, KJV, LEB, LIT, YLT ...), plus tools such as e-Sword, Logos ...

9. All Bible studies are not dated, but constantly being updated. The aim of this ministry is not to throw out a schedule of a certain amount of studies per year and to differentiate between older and newer studies, but to have a solid stock of a limited amount of principle Bible topics and perfect those over the years as ultimate resource for students and other teachers. When believers and scholars fall into the habit of constantly needing something new very fast, it results in moderately researched or incomplete works, and ultimately into cherry-picking Bible verses and falling for certain tendencies such as 'Belief Only', 'Grace Only' or 'Once Saved Always Saved'. If we would take more time for investigation and rather teach the full picture of the Word, then we would also leave less leverage for false teachers. Instead, a hastily preached and often selective Gospel enables false teachers to go one step further and to preach in even more unbalanced ways.

10. The author strives for transparency & honesty when it comes to interpretation, by using key words such as 'certain', 'most probably', 'probably', 'possibly' or 'rather not'. He avoided for example in the study End Times many pitfalls such as the duration of the tribulation, but listed several options and clearly stated that we simply cannot know - instead of pretending, spiritualizing and / or tweaking Scripture. The Bible Map points out possible locations (sometimes marked with % of certainty), while the Garden of Eden is boldly proclaimed as the certain location. The crucifixion of CHRIST on day 6 of Passover is again proclaimed as certain, while a parallel study trying to find the year of His martyrdom was very soon unpublished by the author, when realizing that - although the result harmonized with many traditional calculations - it cannot be considered as certain and is also a secondary topic not relevant for Salvation. The author developed the understanding to rather not consider content which is not certain. Jam 3:1

11. The author of this ministry does -not- focus on extrabiblical and historical sources as so often done in order to offer 'special' information. He adds those in some cases (e.g. the study on the Apocrypha & Biblical Canon where it is unavoidable), but focuses primarily on the Word itself. 

We have to be aware of the fact that quoting history and / or historians opens the gate for every kind of false teaching (as perfectly seen in topics such as the Sabbaths or Divorce), because we can find a historian for nearly every theology we want to propagate. This would not be such a problem if we would only use reliable historians. But this is definitely not the case as perfectly seen by the common use e.g. of the church fathers 'Augustine' or 'Origen', both very problematic figures of 'Christian' history. At the end of the day we have to go back to the Word and avoid extrabiblical sources - what is possible in the vast majority of Bible studies.

12. The name of our FATHER is not God, which is a man-made construct first documented in the 6th c. AD in the Codex Argentus. We cannot give THEOS a name that is not even closely related to any biblical inspiration, and go as far as to translate His name in different ways in different languages. THEOS gave Himself many names in the biblical context, but this beautiful and often descriptive variety does not generate an allowance for humans to add a name completely foreign to the Bible.

We would also never imagine changing the name of JESUS CHRIST to an artificial word we find more suitable. Mat 1:16 reads "of Mary, from out of whom was born Jesus, the One being called CHRIST." Greek " … ΜΑΡΙΑϹ, ΕΞ ΗϹ ΕΓΕΝΝΗΘΗ ΙΗϹΟΥϹ [iesous] Ο ΛΕΓΟΜΕΝΟϹ ΧΡΙϹΤΟϹ [christos]

His name is predominantly 'THEOS' (Strong's Greek G2316; 3121x OT + 1313x NT = 4434 occurrences including 'gods') and 'ΚΥΡΙΟϹ' (Strong's G2962; 7350x OT + 721x NT = 8071 references including the vocative use as 'Sir'; usually translated with 'Lord', 'Master') and I urge the church to go back to His name.

> I am currently in the process of exchanging 'God' for 'THEOS' throughout all the studies (update 10/2024). 

13. All works listed above are created by Thomas Lorenz. The author is not responsible nor liable for linked content and does not always agree with the overall theology of those sources. This should especially be apparent in the Discernment of Problematic Teachers, where more than 4000 references surely will include some discernment ministers he would agree with on the respective discernment, but not on their overall work.

Fair Use / Copyright Notices

This website -especially the section 'Discernment'- contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, religious, and 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in the respective copyright laws. The material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

ABP (Apostolic Bible Polyglot): Some studies include ABP text with a total of less than five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of the publisher.

Brenton: Some studies include the translation by Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton. 

This translation is dedicated to the public domain. All uses are freely permitted.

BSB (Berean Standard Bible): Some studies include BSB text. 

The Berean Bible and Majority Bible texts are officially dedicated to the public domain as of April 30, 2023. All uses are freely permitted.

ESV (English Standard Version): Some studies include ESV text with a total of less than five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of the publisher, nor do those verses quoted amount to more than one-half of any one book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for 25 percent or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.

"Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language."

KJV (King James Version): Some studies include KJV text with a total of less than five hundred (500) verses and neither amount to a complete book of the Bible, nor represent 25 per cent or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.

"Scripture quotations from The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press"

LEB (Lexham English Bible): Most studies include LEB text, make up less than 25% of the substantive content of the website and are linked respectively.

"Scripture quotations marked (LEB) are from the Lexham English Bible. Copyright 2012 Logos Bible Software. Lexham is a registered trademark of Logos Bible Software."

Young's Literal Translation: Some studies include YLT text. This Bible version is public domain due to copyright expiration. 

Images taken from Google Earth are being used within the allowance granted for the purposes such as research, education, film and nonprofit use without needing permission. All content created from Google Earth or Earth Studio is properly attributed.

Images taken from Google Maps are being used within the allowance granted for non-commercial purposes. All content created from Google Maps is properly attributed. 

All photos on this website -if not referenced otherwise- are taken either by Thomas Lorenz or are being provided by the online website builder system used for this website.