Timeline of Abominations
"Hear a word of KYRIOS, all Judea.
Thus says KYRIOS, the THEOS of Israel:
Set right your ways and your practises!
And I will settle you in this place.
Trust not in yourselves with false words,
for they will not benefit you when saying:
A temple of KYRIOS, a temple of KYRIOS it is."
Jer 7:1-4
The following overview is the fruit of many years of respective discernment through Bible studies, discernment of religions and historical figures, and even reviews of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. You will find in the first section the 'Basic Symbols of Christian Obedience' (not comprehensive), followed by specific abominations (not comprehensive), then followed by selected feasts most considered in our calendars, and completed by a timeline of the major denominations and religions related to the Christian Bible with its Old and New Testament.
* The findings in this study are not hyperlinked, but every finding is well attested through this website. Use either the 'search' function, or go directly to the respective study in order to learn more about a certain finding:
- Apocrypha > see 'Ecclesiastical Books (Apocrypha)'
- Baptism, Communion, Givings, Head Coverings > see 'Topical Studies'
- Bible Language and Manipulation of Hebrew (Proto-Masoretic) text > see 'Greek Old Testament'
- Bishop Office > see my review of the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and the study 'Church Structure'
- Celibacy, Councils, Mariology, Purgatory > see 'Discernment on Cults & Religions'
- Christmas, Easter and Halloween > see www.Christian-Calendar.org
- Divine Name > see 'The Name of G-d' for discernment of the name, and the study 'Trinity'
- Weekly Sabbath > see 'Bible Studies'