The Christian Calendar


Discover in this unique calendar the principle Christian events suggested in the Bible, namely Passover and Pentecost. Included are also all the 7 Sabbaths of Sabbaths (Feasts or Holy Convocations), which have today rather a local (Israel) and former character, although we are free to remember those days as well.

This calendar is the fruit of many preceding studies, only to mention the study on Noah's Flood which clearly confirmed a 360 day-year with 12 months of 30 days, to further mention the study on Christ's Passover Chronology which revealed Christ having died on day 6 of Passover and finally confirming the correct day of the First Fruits counting toward Pentecost, and of course the study 'Sabbaths' with the basic definition of a biblical week which begins on the day after the Weekly Sabbath (modern Saturday), the biblical first day of the week (modern Sunday as officially followed by ~55% of the world's population).

Current Calendar Year

* Recommended festive days (New Year, Resurrection and Pentecost)

** Passover always occurs on Abib 15-21, Resurrection Day always on Abib 23, Ascension Day always on Sivan 2, and Pentecost always on Sivan 12. Only the beginning of the year moves according to the first Crescent Moon after the Barley is green. In 2024, the New Year starts unusually late - usually at the end of March / beginning of April.

General Notes: A biblical year starts in the days or weeks after the heads of barley become green, precisely on the day after the first Dark Moon (modern name 'New Moon') thereafter, when the first sliver of the Crescent Moon becomes visible. A biblical year is 360 days, and one month therefore 30 days long (never a mix of 29/30/31 days). A biblical week revolves around the Weekly Sabbath and the days in between are simply counted as numbers 1-6 following the Weekly Sabbath (1st Day = Sunday et al.). An ordinary biblical day starts at sunrise (proof texts are 1Sam 19:11, Luk 24:29 and Joh 20:19), not at sunset as Mainstream Judaism teaches.

See also the study 'Creation' with more details and specific Bible verses related to the basic calendar.

See also the Moon Phases Calendar and the Calendar of Mainstream Judaism for the definition of the New Year's Day ('Abib' is often being replaced through the babylonian name 'Nisan').

See also the study 'Christ · Harmonization of Passover Chronology · Refutation of Fast-Track Trial' for the definition of the Resurrection Day and the First Fruits, initiating the count towards Ascension Day (+ 40 days) and Pentecost (+ 50 days).

▶ See also 'Key Findings' with the reason why we are not bound to celebrate the 7 Sabbaths of Sabbaths, or modern feasts such as 'Easter', 'Christmas' (shortened form of Christ's Mass = tradition of Rome) or the pagan New Year (Jan1). "Ye who are approaching the evil day, who are drawing near and adopting false Sabbaths ..." Amo 6:3

Calendar Integration

* Click on the +Symbol and copy this calendar into your personal account.


Original Bible Calendar

The following overview shows the calendar THEOS gave to us. Simple, easy to memorize, logical, and ultimately perfect. But human sin and self-will have complicated tremendously the organization of an ordinary year.
